Friday, May 22, 2015

Pentecost in Pictures

You may be hollowed out by grief and loss.

But the Holy Spirit can rush in to fill those hollow spaces.

It's a wind that can fill the sails of your life and take you to new places.

On the eve of the first Pentecost, those believers didn't know what was about to happen. I imagine that they felt at loose ends.  They didn't understand they stood at a turning point.

We often don't know we're at a hinge time until much, much later.

Maybe we have been feeling that we're in a post-Ascension, pre-Pentecost time. Maybe one mission has come to an end, and we're not sure what to do next.

Pentecost promises us that we won't be adrift forever. At some point we'll hear the rushing wind and feel the flame, and we'll be able to do more than we ever dreamed possible.

And then, every gate will open.

For a more substantial essay on this subject, see my latest post over at the Living Lutheran site.

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