Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Creative Person Contemplates Spiritual Career Paths

Over at my Creativity blog, I've been thinking about alternate career paths.  Today, I spent some time dreaming about creating a track in an MFA program that explored the intersections of writing and spirituality.  I said, "Why not MFA tracks that explore spirituality and writing?  Those tracks could explore traditional genres (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, scripts), but could also explore other areas, like writing prayers or writing liturgy. If we were allowed to do some cross-disciplinary work, it would be cool to explore traditional hymns and modern songwriting."

I also think about a creativity track in seminary, as well as how my talents might fit in a church camp or as an art therapist or spiritual director.

My thinking was prompted partly by thinking about Terry Tempest Williams, who has a birthday today, and by an encounter with a friend who was not real supportive of my dream job possibilities.

You can read the whole essay here.

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